

9 Years of dedicated healing-research continues..

Re-designing the health care system

In the times that we live in, where
the world has become toxic,
healthcare is about money,
treatments are synthetic,
real knowledge is forbidden,
true methods are forgotten,
& suffering patients are being ignored;
there was no other way other than to
re-look at the entire setup
and create a new platform
where real seva to the needy is attempted & justified.

Vaurora Health Care Organisation or VHC.O is a non-profit organisation conceptualised and built by social welfare activist, Viki Vaurora, from Bengaluru which integrates the essence of 7 systems of healing.

It strives to create a better health care system which is effective, efficient, safe and highly affordable.

  • VHC.O is fundamentally a research based organisation and is striving to understand the core issues of the current health care setup after having discussed with thousands of patients on their endless pursuits dealing with sickness and failures of mainstream conventional therapies.

  • Viki Vaurora has formulated efficient techniques of accelerated healing after learning from the greatest of masters and healers from across the world. Two of such programs that are currently available are Reset&Transform Program for general wellbeing and 12-Essential-Protocols for Cancer conditions that have both proven phenomenal results.

  • VHC.O only intends to work with and help those who are very serious about healing. If you are one such, looking for answers amidst a life crisis, these 2 established programs is your golden key to health transformation.

  • VHC.O operates on limited to NO team structure and it allows or attends to only few patients every week. Kindly be patient with the entire process.

Thank you.
Wish you and your family the best of energies to make it through these tough times.

Things to know before you begin.

  1. All new patients must register here to start the process.

  2. Only the direct caretakers can register. Anyone else registering on behalf of the patient will not be encouraged.

  3. These are the list of the direct caretakers who are eligible to register for helping the patient.

    • Self - the Patient themselves

    • Parents of the patient

    • Children of the patient

    • Spouse of the patient

    • Siblings of the patient

    • In-laws of the patient

    • Grandchildren of the patient

    • Grandparents of the patient

    • Legal guardians of the patient

  4. One needs to be able to provide the following data upon registration.

    • Caretaker’s and Patient’s personal details.

    • Patient’s medical history and all the necessary reports.

    • Signed Consent Forms

    • Handwritten letters and a Video Case file.

  5. All patients who are willing to be a part of the VHC therapy programmes will yield maximum results provided they are not poisoning their own bodies with wrong synthetic treatments from the modern health care setups.

Registration Form

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